I was born in Bombay, the Bombay Salman Rushdie writes about in Midnight's children (which was what so attracted me in the book).
My earliest memory is living in a flat, which I'm told was called Ben Nevis, somewhere near Kemp's corner. I still have hazy memories of verandas facing the sea and the sound of the sea. I'm told we stayed there from when I was around 2 till I was 4.
My younger brother must have been around(there is only 20 months difference between us), but I can't remember him, though I do remember going to a nursery school nearby--Villa Theresa apparently. As I can remember, I enjoyed school.
The Bombay skyline of that time was already mostly flats--particularly in that area. But life was far less frenetic than today. The skyline in that area has certainly changed a great deal, but has retained enough of the old to give me a faint sense of familiarity when I visited after many years. I loved being a Bombayite!
This was very much a part of the skyline in my growing up days--gracious Bombay