Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Collecting chocolate wrappers

I was slowly and methodically straightening out a piece of aluminium foil, which had wrapped some dish we had delivered recently; (yes, I clean and reuse aluminium foil if I can, as here, where I live it is difficult to dispose of them).  As I was straightening it out I suddennly remembered how, when I was young, Cadbury's chocolates came wrapped in a silver paper, inside the printed paper wrapper and for many of us young kids, the greatest joy was collecting these.  It was a delicate process as the silver paper was very fragile.  So, if you were impatient it went to pieces.  I remember using a thin handkerchief and oh so slowly rubbing the silver paper to straighten it out.  It was an achievement to get a couple of whole papers.  Besides, one rarely got a bar of chocolate for oneself.  It was usually one bar (of around 40 gms) to be shared between at least 2 kids.  So to get the paper for yourself was really great.  It was only much later, when Cadbury started making the smaller bars, that they came in printed thicker aluminium foil.

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